Dövlət Vergi Xidməti
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The payment of a state fee is not required for the implementation of electronic state registration of a commercial legal entity (limited liability company). There exists opportunity to pay electronically the state fee required for paper-based state registration of a commercial legal entity (limited liability company).


If the paper-based application for the state registration of commercial legal entities, branches and representative offices of foreign commercial legal entities is submitted, the following state fees and costs should be paid (300 manats for the registration of banks, stock exchanges, insurers, insurance associations and brokers, representative offices and branches of foreign legal entities, 5 manats for legal entities engaged in the field of agriculture, 15 manats for the registration of other legal entities - Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Fees") and the costs of notarizing the application (3 manats for each signature).



Information on the state fees and other requirements and documents necessary for state registration of commercial legal entities, as well as representative offices or branches of foreign commercial legal entities, are provided in the Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Fees", "On State Registration and State Register of Legal Entities", when everyone has online access to those Laws. As is obvious, the Internet information resource of the State Tax Service highlights various instructions, uniform standards, rules, required application and document samples in this field.




Information and documents highlighted in the online information resources are regularly updated, and currently the latest information is presented according to the requirements of the legislation.

If the paper-based application for the state registration of commercial legal entities, branches and representative offices of foreign commercial legal entities is submitted, the following state fees and costs should be paid (300 manats for the registration of banks, stock exchanges, insurers, insurance associations and brokers, representative offices and branches of foreign legal entities, 5 manats for legal entities engaged in the field of agriculture, 15 manats for the registration of other legal entities - Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Fees") and the costs of notarizing the application (3 manats for each signature).