Tax liabilities, deadlines for payment of taxes and submission of tax returns
1. Income tax of individuals | |
1. Income tax of individuals | Not later than March 31 of the year following the reporting year (31/III). |
Current payments |
Within 15 days after the end of each quarter (15 / IV, 15 / VII, 15 / X and 15 / I) |
Income tax of private notaries |
Accrued income tax - no later than the 20th (20 / I-XII) of the month following the reporting month, and a tax return - not later than the 20th of the month following the reporting quarter (20/IV, 20/VII, 20/X and 20/I). |
Income tax at the source of payment of individual who wins sports betting games, lotteries, as well as other gaming and contests |
Accrued income tax - no later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month (20 / I-XII), income tax return at the source of payment from the person who wins sports betting games, lotteries, as well as other competitions and contests - no later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month (20 / I-XII). |
2. Profit tax | |
Final payment and submission of tax return for the year |
No later than March 31st of the year following the reporting year (31 / III). |
Current payments |
Within 15 days after the end of each quarter (15 / IV, 15 / VII, 15 / X and 15 / I) |
3. Value Added Tax | |
Payment of tax and submission of tax return |
No later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month (20 / I-XII) |
4. Excise tax | |
Payment of tax and submission of tax return |
No later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month (20 / I-XII) |
5. Property tax | |
Final payment and submission of tax return for legal entities for the year |
No later than March 31st of the year following the reporting year (31 / III) |
Current payments |
No later than the 15th of the second month of each quarter following the quarter (15 / II, 15 / V, 15 / VIII and 15 / XI). |
Final payments for individuals for the year |
Till August 15th and November 15th (15 / VIII and 15 / XI) of the same year in equal portions for the current year |
6. Tax-on-land | |
Submission of tax returns for legal entities |
No later than May 15th (15 / V) of the same year. |
Final payments for legal entities and individuals for the year |
In equal amounts no later than August 15th and November 15th (15 / VIII and 15 / XI) |
7. Road tax | |
Taxation of motor vehicles of foreign countries |
The tax on vehicles of foreign states shall be deducted by the customs authorities when they enter the customs territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and shall be transferred to the state budget within 1 banking day. |
Submission of tax returns and payment of tax by persons engaged in the production of motor gasoline, diesel fuel and liquid gas in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
No later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month (20 / I-XII). |
8. Mining tax | |
Payment of tax and submission of tax return |
No later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month (20 / I-XII). |
9. Simplified tax | |
Payment of tax and submission of tax return |
Till the 20th of the month following the reporting quarter (20/IV, 20/VII, 20/X and 20/I) |
Payment of simplified tax and submission of tax returns for the provision of land, residential and non-residential premises |
A notary approving contracts for the provision of land, residential and non-residential premises calculates the simplified tax and pays it to the state budget within 1 (one) banking day |
Payment of simplified tax and submission of tax return when conducting sports betting games |
Till the 20th of the month following the reporting quarter (20 / IV, 20 / VII, 20 / X and 20 / I) |
Payment of simplified tax on freight and passenger transportation by motor transport within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan | The tax shall be paid to the state budget by the end of the calendar month, with the purchase of the Distinction mark for each vehicle for the next period (month, quarter, half year, year), and it is not required to submit a return to the tax authority. |
Payment of fixed sum on simplified tax |
Tax shall be paid to the end of the calendar month by individuals who are engaged in individually without hiring employees with the types of activities specified in Article 220.10 of the Tax Code for the next period (month, quarter, half year, year) at the time of acceptance of the "receipt of a fixed amount payment on simplified tax" for each activity, and shall not need to submit a tax return. |
Submission of tax returns and payment of tax for house building activity |
The amount of tax shall be declared not later than the 20th of the month following the quarter in which building and installation work commences - 10% in equal portions shall be paid no later than the 20th of the month following each quarter until the obligation is fully fulfilled |
Simplified tax return on cash withdrawal |
The 1% interest shall be deducted from the recipient's bank account by local banks, the affiliate of foreign bank in the Republic of Azerbaijan or the national operator of the postal serviceproviding cash to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in their bank accounts, and the due tax shall be paid to the state budget no later than the 20th of the month following the reporting month and relevant return shall be submitted to the tax authority before that date. |
10. Taxes at the source of payment (Obligations of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) | |
Payment of tax |
When paying income, as well as insurance premiums to individuals in connection with hired work (in the event of early termination of the insurance contract), the accrued monthly income tax shall be accrued and transferred to the state budget no later than the 20th of the next month. |
Submission of tax return |
VAT and simplified taxpayers shall submit to the tax authority a tax return on hired labour at the source no later than January 31 of the year following the reporting year, and for others no later than the 20th of the month following the quarter in which the income is paid. |
11. State due | |
Transfer of dues to the state budget and submission of returns |
- State due for notary actions received by the notary public - within two banking days; |
Note: If the last day of tax payment and submission of return (including reference) falls on the rest day or holidays - the next business day.